

+About Us

Our department was established in August of 2007 for meeting the need of human resources in the business management of educational and cultural sectors. We have aimed to prepare our students with knowledge and skills in the areas of education and management. Our courses are planned with an emphasis on developing a career path for students, and are focused on providing students with theory and practice in the studied areas. We hope that we will help students progress successfully with their study and prepare them for the national examinations.


Undergraduate courses are aimed to prepare students for becoming teaching and administrative staff in the elementary and junior-high schools, and postgraduate courses are aimed to prepare students with research knowledge and skills. Students in Bachelor's degree programs are required to earn 128 credits before graduation, 46 compulsory credits, 54 optional and 28 general education. Students in Master's degree program are required to earn 32 credits, 10 compulsory credits and 22 optional. Our courses structure is outlined as follows:

  • Teachers training program: Preparing students with the knowledge and skills for becoming elementary school teachers, and assist students to pass the teaching qualification examination and to obtain a teaching position.

  • Civil service training program: Preparing students for taking part in the higher civil service examinations in the areas of educational administration (including school administration), general administration, probation officer, general civil and personnel administration.

  • Research training program: Preparing students with knowledge and skills in both qualitative and quantitative research methodology, including the major subjects of language, statistics, testing, and others.



There are 10 faculty members with different teaching and research backgrounds in the areas of Educational Administration, Educational Philosophy, Educational Psychology, and Educational Sociology, and others. Most of our faculty members have also taken part in helping students with their internship training.


+Vision for future

Our courses are aimed to include the theory and practice in the General and Educational Administration, and we expect our students to be acquainted with the following knowledge and skills:

  • Being familiar with not only theory and practice for teaching in elementary schools, but also with public and private school environments, including innovative teaching and administrative matters.

  • Taking part in the examinations for civil service workers, or engaging in the management of cultural and educational business.

  • Engaging in educational research, and developing skills for exploring research questions and critical thinking.


+Contact information

TEL: 886-3-890-3912 (Bachelor) / 886-3-890-5556(Master)

FAX: 886-3-890-0103
E-mail: xianyu865@gms.ndhu.edu.tw (Bachelor)/ huishu@gms.ndhu.edu.tw(Master)

No. 1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng, Hualien 97401, Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL:886-3-8903912(Bachelor)/886-3-8905556 (Master)   FAX:886-3-8900103
Copyright National Dong Hwa University of Department of Educational Administration and Management 2009.